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Mariela Paz


am a Chilean composer who, from an early age, received piano lessons and, later, accordion lessons. I studied at the Metropolitan University of Educational Sciences in Santiago, Chile. Later, I studied composition at the Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso, Chile, and subsequently Composition for Symphonic Band and Symphonic Orchestra at the Integral Composition Center in Mexico.


My musical career includes performances as an accordionist in the Folkloric Ballet and as a pianist in the student chamber orchestra of the University of Santiago,Chile (Usach). I have also worked as the musical director and accordionist of the chamber group Canela Trio (violin, double bass, and accordion).


I have premiered:

- "El Canto de Teresa" (2014), a work dedicated to Chilean writer Teresa Wilms Montt, written for string ensemble, clarinet, theater, and dance at the Cousiño Theater, Valparaíso, Chile;

- "A Kaneko Misuzu" (2020), a work dedicated to Japanese poet Kaneko Misuzu, written for string trio and accordion (Winner of a Chilean government grant);

- "Octubre 4" (2021), for solo viola, at the IV Music Festival of Elqui, La Serena, Chile;

- "Sur del Mundo", performed by the Army Symphonic Band (Teatro Oriente 2023) and in Mexico by the National University of Mexico's Symphonic Band together with Dartmouth University's Symphonic Band (USA);

- "Chachachi" (2024), recently awarded the V International Composition Competition for Symphonic Bands by WASBE (World Association of Symphonic Bands and Ensembles) in 2024, which led to traveling to South Korea to work with the Singapore Symphonic Band;

- "A Gabriela Mistral" , premiered on August 28, 2024, and performed by the Chamber Orchestra of the Municipal Theater of Santiago, Chile. Dedicated to the Chilean Nobel laureate in literature, Gabriela Mistral,(1889-1957).

A Gabriela Mistral

A piece composed for string orchestra in 2021, it was recently premiered on August 28, 2024, by the Chamber Orchestra of the Municipal Theater of Santiago, conducted by Alejandra Urrutia, as part of the "Lecturas Contemporáneas" project, organized by the Municipal Theater of Santiago, Chile. The work is dedicated to the life of the Chilean poet and Nobel laureate in Literature, Gabriela Mistral,(1889-1957)

WASBE 2024

Winner of the III category of the V WASBE international composition competition in Gwangju-Gyeonggi, South Korea, with my work Chachachi

Performed by the Chilean Army Band under the direction of Major Víctor Trigo at Teatro Oriente in 2023, inspired by my country, Chile.

Sur del mundo

A Kaneko Misuzu

A composition inspired by the life of the Japanese poet Kaneko Misuzu (1903–1930).

Winner of the Chilean Government's Cultural Fund in 2020, this piece had to be premiered online due to the pandemic.

4 de Octubre

A piece for solo viola, it was performed by Chilean violist Juan Guillermo Acuña during the IV Music Festival of Elqui in La Serena, 2021.

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